We have an amazing team of smart, compassionate, strong women at The Light Factory. In fact, did you know that we are entirely female owned and operated? Our team is the heart behind The Light Factory and what makes our company truly special. Together, we have built a business that we're proud to work for, rooted in kindness, integrity, and giving generously to our charitable partners. Of course, we're proud of the gorgeous glass bubble chandeliers that we make, but even more so we're proud of the incredible women that we're lucky to call coworkers. A few days ago was International Women's Day, a day to celebrate the achievements of women worldwide. And today, we want to celebrate one of our own amazing women. Meet Katie.

What was the path that led you to The Light Factory?
The path that led me to The Light Factory involved film school, music, and a mutual friend. When I attended Full Sail University in 2006 for a degree in Film Production, my favorite class was Lighting. I loved setting the scene and the physicality involved in operating the equipment. In 2014 I was nannying and working as a part-time musician (a career in Film didn't really pan out for me). Music has always been a passion of mine but it's not easy to do full-time and have enough to live by. My nannying job was coming to an end so I reached out to family and friends about my need for a new job. That's when a mutual friend of Ashlie and I told me about The Light Factory.
What is your title and what does your role entail?
Production Manager. I build, pack, and ship fixtures to customers and assist our team to get orders out on time. I’m the one who they turn to if something comes up or doesn’t look quite right.
What does a typical work day look like for you?
I start my morning by checking my emails and seeing if there’s anything that needs my immediate attention. Then I’ll either finish building/packing a chandelier from the day before or start a new one. Throughout the day I’ll make sure our team knows what the priorities are and I assist as needed.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of your job?
I love getting customer feedback and client photos of their new chandeliers installed. That’s the most rewarding aspect for me. When someone loves a light I built for them it’s very satisfying.
What’s your Enneagram?
I find myself settling between a type 1 and a type 8. I like to do things perfectly and I tend to seek out ways of perfecting things. I also stand up for what I believe in and like to lead with my strengths. I get easily frustrated when I’m learning something new and can’t immediately do it, something my wife has helped me realize.
What books or Podcasts have you enjoyed recently?
I absolutely loved the book “Circe” by Madeline Miller and I’m just starting her other book “The Song of Achilles”. I listen to quite a few Podcasts throughout the day, my favorites of which are “You’re Wrong About” and “My Favorite Murder”.
Name a woman who has influenced you/inspired you.
My mother. I am very much my mother’s daughter and seeing all the ways that we are so similar has definitely helped me grow into who I am. She’s very supportive and hearing how proud of me she is means the world to me. She and I are always looking around for people we can help and ways we can do more for the ones we love.
#choosetochallenge. What does that mean to you?
The world we live in now is constantly changing and moving forward. Our great grandmothers lived very differently from how we do now and I believe we all need to show strength and courage in this moment. To continue the legacy women before us have pioneered. We need to challenge ourselves to be brave and challenge each other to live truthfully. The patriarchy isn’t just toxic to women, it’s toxic to men as well in ways we need to alert them to.
What advice would you give to a young woman starting her career?
Work hard, be a helper, listen to the advice of people more experienced than you, and always admit your mistakes.